Via Stradivari 6, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
0471 060300
0471 060333

Fisherman’s hat with Granny Square crochet #3425

With the arrival of warm weather, beach trips are on everyone’s mind! Join Francesca Crochet&Love in her new tutorial where she will guide you through the process of making a charming fisherman’s hat using our re-cotton yarn. The Granny Square technique is utilized to add a unique personal touch to the hat, making it stand out from the rest. The pattern is straightforward and simple to follow. While the hat in the video is an adult size, Francesca will also provide instructions on how to adjust the pattern for different sizes, allowing you to create a matching hat for your little ones and enjoy the beach together.

108077-03 Re-cotton 2 pcs
108077-17 Re-cotton 1 pcs
108077-23 Re-cotton 1 pcs

crochet hook 3mm, scissors, wool needle

Tuesday May 2nd, 2023