We are happy to present to you our latest DIY Toy collection Coccolini! Especially for you we have created an amazing assortment with different designs that will make a perfect decoration for the kids room but not only.
4481-12 fabric coccolini Kitty 56x83cm
316676-0012 thread seralon violet
316677-0572 thread seralon lilac
316677-1453 thread seralon sand
316676-0287 thread seralon brown
381886-STFIXB padding termoadhesive (for the tag)
805-01 soft padding
300347-155 buttons x24 7mm transparent
scissors, needle, pins, sewing machine, 300610-189 turning set
When sewing the parts of the face, the two parts, near the nose, must coincide and be symmetrical.